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Performance Excellence Grants with The Asfari Foundation

  • Status:
  • Countries:
  • Funding:
  • Focus Area:
    Enterprise Development
  • Start date:
  • End date:
  • Partners and Donors:
    The Asfari Foundation

About the Project:

MENACatalyst has partnered with the Asfari Foundation to strengthen our organizational capacity. This funding will enable us to invest in our capacity to be better positioned to ahicve our mission and make a greater impact in our community. 



MENACatalyst organizational & staff.



MENACatalyst will levereage "The Asfari Foundation's Performance Excellence Grant" to enahnce its organizational capacity. This support will focus on:


1. Business Profile Enahncement: Refining MENACatalyst's objectives, mission, and applied values to create a more compelling and impacftul profile.


2. Fundraising Straetgy Capacity Development: Strengthening MENACatalyst's Fundraising abilities through improved skills, knowledge, and tools, enabling sustainable growth. 



  • Partnerships For The Goals
Project Timeline
  • 2024-09-01 - 2024-09-07
    Program Agreement Signed
  • 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-30
    Finalize Capacity Building Components
  • 2024-10-01 - 2025-07-31
    Organizational Capacity Building
  • 2025-08-25 - 2025-09-01
    Program Completion Reports
Project Components
  • Business Profile Enhancement
    Strengthen MENACatalyst's profile and impact by refining our objectives, mission, and applied values.
  • Fundraising Strategy Capacity Development
    Enhancing MENACatalyst’s ability to raise funds and achieve sustainability by improving the skills, knowledge, and tools necessary for successful fundraising.
Partners and Donors