Mapping Platform of Palestine’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (Consultancy)
About project:
Contracted by the GIZ to develop Palestine’s first-ever interactive entrepreneurial ecosystem mapping platform. The platform was designed to help emerging self-starters learn and connect with the key actors in their local ecosystems.
Target Audience:
Fresh graduates; emerging self-starters; Entrepreneurs
Identify key ecosystem stakeholders based on city and services offered. Create and distribute a survey to said stakeholders to learn more about the services they offer to targeted youth. Afterwards, develop a desk review to analyze collected data and begin preliminary work on the digital platform. Finalize and launch digital platform featuring identified ecosystem stakeholders.
- The launch of Palestine’s first ever digital entrepreneurial ecosystem navigational platform for fresh graduates, emerging self-starters, and entrepreneurs.
Project Timeline
2019-09-01 - 2019-09-07Develop research criteria
2019-09-07 - 2019-09-14Ecosystem research
2019-09-14 - 2019-09-21Identify ecosystem stakeholders
2019-09-21 - 2019-09-30Interview stakeholders
2019-10-01 - 2019-10-07Desk review
2019-10-07 - 2019-10-28Develop research based mapping study
2019-10-31 - 2019-10-31Launch entrepreneurial ecosystem mapping platform
Project Facts
Project Components
Palestine Entrepreneurial Ecosystem MappingAimed at helping fresh graduates and self-starters navigate their local entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Enhancing Visibility of Local StakeholdersThe mapping platform was also designed to help local stakeholders improve their visibility and outreach on a local and national level.
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